Gig Buddies Blog

Close friends in lockdown – Victoria and Sas

Close friends in lockdown – Victoria and Sas

A blog for Learning Disability Week by Victoria Smith

This year for Learning Disability Week we are looking at friendship.

Me and Sas have known each other for a long time since we met through the Gig Buddies project. We have done a lot of things together with the Gig Buddies group. Some of our favourite things we have done were going to an outdoor cinema to see The Greatest Showman – we sang along to nearly every song which we do all the time when we are together and we have a good laugh and joke around. We have gone to gigs and last year we went camping at a small festival run by one of our volunteers -which was so much fun. And Sas always meets me at the train station if I have been working and we have a good catch up and a laugh. We are really close with each other. We both say when we are together no one can handle us, and it makes us laugh saying that.

During lockdown we had to learn to talk to each other in a whole new way, so we talk on the phone all the time and we video call on Facebook every week to catch up with each other and we still have a laugh about all the fun stuff we have done. We both appeared on the Ambigo ambitions show last week talking about our dreams for our futures. We have grown closer since lockdown because we have had to look out for each other.

Sas has become one of my closest friends since lockdown began. Of course we are planning a lot of things to do after lockdown ends which we really excited about.

Sas is a amazing friend she makes me smile and keeps me going on days I want to give up. She is a really caring person and she  is always there when you need a chat and is really good to joke with.

For more information about the Gig Buddies emergency appeal which will help friends stay digitally connected during lockdown visit our appeal page here

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Paul Richards