Gig Buddies Blog

Our roadmap out of lockdown

Our roadmap out of lockdown

Following the government’s announcement about the lifting of lockdown restrictions we thought it would be helpful to look at what that means for our Gig Buddies community.

It may not so much a ‘roadmap’ and more of a footpath but it feels like hope is in the air and it will be great to start meeting up with people again soon.

8th March ‘21

It is really feeling like spring is in the air, the daffodils are all popping up and we’ll be encouraging you to take the opportunity to have a safe, socially distanced, walk with your buddy.

29th March ‘21

We’re going be organising some outdoor social meet-ups in local parks for no more than a total of 6 people per meeting.

We’ll be asking you to bring your own food and drink and wear a facemask.

Go out for a one to one walk with your buddy and stop somewhere for a sit down or a picnic. Sit and watch nature or do some people watching while you have a natter.

We’ll be organising some short walks to help get us all back in the swing of meeting with each other.

12th April ‘21

We can aim to have small groups meet-up (no more than 6) in pub beer gardens and of course you can go with your buddy too.

17th May ‘21

We’ll be considering slightly larger group meet-ups such as a picnic in the park but will take things slowly and see how everything is going.

We will also consider small group socials in pubs if it feels safe to do so.

21st June ‘21

We are deliberately not planning this far ahead yet. We want to make sure that people are confident and feel safe going out with their buddy first.

Don’t forget that there’s also little things that you can be doing also that will make a big difference just by having regular contact with your buddy. Here’s a few ideas ‘Being a Good Buddy’.

And of course we hope to see you soon in the flesh!

In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Our updated infographic explains where we are now and what we can and can’t do as buddies.

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Paul Richards