Gig Buddies Blog

New volunteers ask Victoria questions about Gig Buddies

Victoria, our Quality Checker at Gig Buddies,  co-faciliates volunteer training for new volunteer buddies. Her experience and knowledge is very valuable and she often gets asked many questions in the training sessions.

Here are a few things new volunteers wanted to find out…..

Has gig buddies changed you and have you changed gig buddies?

Victoria: It’s my first job – I can relate to what the participants go through as I live in supported living & it can be hard for people to go out & stay up late.
Volunteer: Meeting you in my interview inspired me to continue on!
Harri: Your sense of humour & experience makes a big impact on us and is really important. You bring knowledge that we don’t have. You are an inspiration to other people that have a learning disability who might want to get a job too.

What makes a good gig buddy?

Victoria :
  • Having the same hobbies helps you connect.
  • Body language is really important.
  • Don’t talk too fast – you might need to slow down your pace. You don’t need to talk in a baby voice though!
  • They might have a habit of always going to the same place like their fave cafe but give them time.
  • Ask them if they are ok or want to go somewhere else.
  • Don’t be too scary or over the top!
  • Be chilled like bob Marley.
  • Be relaxed and I love it when your buddy starts to make choices finds things they love. The atmosphere is great.

They might end up being your best friend! Hopefully it continues long term without our support.

Read next Gig Buddies – Taking Account audit in Brighton and Hove

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Paul Richards