Gig Buddies Blog

Eat, Sleep, Gig, Repeat! For World Mental Health day.

At the heart of gig buddies core values is our desire to make people’s lives better. We believe socialising and connecting with others can really help your mental wellbeing.

So, The Gig Buddies team decided to share our top 5 tips for helping your mental health for World Mental Health Day!

1.) Eat healthy food – We are what we eat! We need fruit and vegetables everyday. Ready meals have lots of added sugar so try to make things fresh if you can.

Everything in moderation – don’t drink too much alcohol or fizzy drinks. Energy drinks can have more caffeine in than a few coffees!

At the gig buddies office we all  plan ahead and make things like salad to bring to work and fruit to stop us buying less healthy food out – it saves money too.

We also love eating Ramen – a type of noodle soup! It is very comforting.

2.) Exercise and fresh air! Walking for 10 minutes 3 times a day is really good for you.

Kate cycles or walks to work everyday and her favourite exercise is dancing!

Paul loves walking with his dog Nobby in the countryside.  Holly says walking is good for mindfulness too.

3.) Adults should try to sleep for 8 hours a night  We might work for  ‘Stay Up Late’ but we also need our sleep!

Staying up playing computer games or flicking through social media right before bed is bad for our mental health. Try winding down and doing something away from a screen before bed to give your brain and eyes a break.

A hot bath or listening to relaxing music is a good alternative!

4.) Tell someone if you are feeling sad or low.   Talking to someone in your support circle is really important or writing down your feelings.

Ask for help – If you are worried about your mental health you could talk to a professional counseller through your GP or MIND the mental health charity, or the Samaritans 

5.) Go to Gigs!
 A study this year showed that 20 minutes at a show can lead to a 21 % increase in that feeling of well-being.

Gig Buddies recommend lots of free music events around Sussex so it can be accessible to all. Check out our events page for upcoming socials.

Be kind to yourself – This could also mean not worrying about saying no to things too. We will be writing more about this for next months No!vember article!


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Paul Richards