Sports Buddies application

  • Welcome to the Sports Buddies Volunteer application form

    Gig Buddies pairs people with a learning disability with volunteers to do activities to get active together.
    Please read these points before starting:
    • Finding you a Sports Buddy can take time. Volunteers are matched with participants based on factors such as what sports or activities you enjoy, geographical location and age. The more volunteers we have on file, the more likely we are to find volunteers who can be buddies for our participants. So please continue filling in this form and help us address social isolation for people with a learning disability in Sussex.
    • Successful volunteer applicants are asked to commit to the project for at least 12 months and go out to do exercise at least twice a month with their buddy.
    • Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.
  • We're currently receiving a lot of applications from overseas and we can't work out why. Unfortunately we cannot accept applications from people who aren't living in Sussex.
  • If you have any questions or issues regarding this form please contact Gig Buddies Sussex - 020 3920 8471 or email

  • If you don't live in Sussex please see if there's a Sports Buddies or Gig Buddies project near you.
  • We match people on a variety of things so do please tell us about any other interests you have, or indeed any music you like listening to.
  • Tell us a little bit about why you'd like to sign up as a volunteer.
  • For example, google ads, local newsletter or press, social media, a friend, family, work colleague...
  • The information you've provided will not be sold or given to any third parties.
  • Information given will be collected and stored on a secure database owned by Gig Buddies and Stay Up Late.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.