Gig Buddies Blog

Gig Buddies Daniel and Darren’s Trip to the Circus

Gig Buddies Daniel and Darren’s Trip to the Circus

Our gig buddies Daniel and Darren recently went to the circus. They had such a good time that Daniel wrote about it and the things he liked. As always, it is the small things that make a good time out and having somewhere there to enjoy it with!

For our outing this month me and Darren went to the circus. This year we went to Circus Zyair at the Oval in Hastings

We had a picnic in the park first and we both brought food to share. The grass was nice and smooth this year. It wasn’t like last year when we went to the circus on the rough ground at Glyne Gap and Darren fell down a big pothole and I nearly went over as well!

When we got inside they had reserved accessible seating right at the front so we didn’t need to clamber up and down the stairs. The staff were really helpful and friendly, too.

I liked all of the circus acts but my favourite was the wall of death at the end with the motorbikes. We liked the wall of death.

I liked the clown when he came out with  a boombox and the circus guy kept telling him “No music, no music”. And he kept playing it. Ding. Ding. Ding!

I also liked the acrobats but the whole thing was really good. I enjoyed it all. And we got home safely and didn’t fall down any potholes!

                                                                                                 – Daniel

A photo of a giant metal ball with motorcycles in it in the middle of a big stage.

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Paul Richards